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[ICQ-IM-ChatVB Source Code MSN

Description: VB Source Code MSN 可以参考制作自己的msn类的即时消息系统-VB Source Code MSN can produce its own reference category msn instant messaging system
Platform: | Size: 471035 | Author: 吴志刚 | Hits:

[OpenGL programVB-OpenGLTemplate

Description: 提供一个模板源码,演示如何在VB下开发OpenGL程序-provide a template source code, a demonstration of how developed in Visual Basic procedures OpenGL
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: yfq | Hits:

[Other Riddle gamesllk(VB)

Description: 这是连连看游戏的VB源代码.功能虽然不是很齐全,但基本功能都实现了.希望大家能支持-game VB source code. Although it is not very functional complete, but the basic functions are realized. We should support
Platform: | Size: 1268736 | Author: 刘杨洋 | Hits:

[Special EffectsVB-ImgProc2

Description: VB图像处理源代码,一个很好的程序,大量使用API函数,速度极快-VB image processing source code, a very good procedures, the extensive use of API functions, fast
Platform: | Size: 141312 | Author: | Hits:

[Printing program5ivb_139561

Description: 一个关于打印预览的VB源代码, 一个关于打印预览的VB源代码,-a print preview of the VB source code, a print preview of the VB source code,
Platform: | Size: 45056 | Author: ping | Hits:


Description: 非常漂亮的vb界面源代码,大家都能用得着,看看吧。-very nice interface vb source code, we can really make use of, let's see it.
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: mjjun | Hits:

[Game Hook Crackwulin

Description: 武林小挂VB外挂源代码自己收集,感觉不错分享-Wulin small hanging VB source code plug-in their own collection, feel good to share
Platform: | Size: 130048 | Author: | Hits:

[Remote ControlVBxz

Description: 最新免杀穿墙的VB下载者源代码。。用了1年多目前还是免杀的。。。需要的拿下-Through walls to kill the latest free downloads from the VB source code. . Spent more than a year 1 is still free to kill for. . . Needed win
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: sadsa | Hits:


Description: 免费毕业设计 VB 排课管理系统 论文 源程序-Graduation Project Timetable free VB source code management system thesis
Platform: | Size: 197632 | Author: robin | Hits:


Description: VB快速端口扫描器的源代码,能快速扫描计算机或局域网中所有存在安全隐患的端口。程序中附带特洛伊和后门程序信息的数据库,主要特色是扫描速度快,扫描32,000个端口仅仅需要一分钟不到。你可以更新数据库中的特洛伊和后门程序信息以便进行比对和查找可疑打开的端口。程序代码还有一些比较好的IP转换为域名以及互相转换的函数,对VB网络编程的朋友有一定参考价值。-Fast port scanner VB source code, can quickly scan your computer or local area network security risks exist in all the ports. Proceedings incidental to backdoor Trojan and information database, the main features of the scanning speed, scan 32,000 ports only need less than a minute. You can update the database of Troy and the back door in order to process the information to compare and find suspicious open ports. Some code is converted to a better domain name and IP conversion function with each other on network programming VB friends have a certain reference value.
Platform: | Size: 147456 | Author: Rhode | Hits:


Description: 平面桁架VB源程序,非常有学习价值的有限元代码,共享给大家-Plane truss VB source code, very valuable learning finite element code, and shared to everyone
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: xddddd | Hits:

[Windows Developvb_source_code_control_parameter_design

Description: vb控件参数设计源码vb source code control, parameter design-vb control parameter design source vb source code control, parameter design
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: jk | Hits:


Description: VB方差计算器源代码VB source code variance Calculator-VB source code variance Calculator
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: z | Hits:

[Game ProgramFighting.Games.VB.source.code

Description: VB格斗游戏源代码Fighting Games VB source code -Fighting Games VB source code
Platform: | Size: 395264 | Author: tcp | Hits:

[Windows DevelopVB.source.code.fruit.machine.game

Description: VB编写的水果机游戏源码VB source code written in fruit machine game -VB source code written in fruit machine game
Platform: | Size: 387072 | Author: tcp | Hits:


Description: 简易VB聊天工具源码Simple VB source code chat-Simple VB source code chat
Platform: | Size: 656384 | Author: 蒋家家 | Hits:

[Com PortVB-source-code

Description: vb串口调试助手源码,根据程序说明和其我们经常用的串口调试助手添加控件,复制程序进去就可以用了-VB source code written serial port debug assistant
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 熊熊 | Hits:

[2D Graphicdrawing-an-imitation-vb-source-code

Description: 一个仿画图板的画图vb源代码,包括画圆、直线、矩形以及手笔等功能。-Drawing board drawing an imitation vb source code, including circle, line, rectangle, and handwriting functions.
Platform: | Size: 43008 | Author: ssw | Hits:

[Windows DevelopVB-Source-Code

Description: “VB Source Code”个人学习VB的一些源码,希望可以给初学者提供一定的帮助。好资料大家共享,共同提高。-VB Source Code
Platform: | Size: 3926016 | Author: zhangqi | Hits:


Description: vb编辑器类似功能的源代码,供参考学习。-vb source code editor. rar
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: sights | Hits:
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